Moist, Juicy Middle Burgers
It's finally stopped raining and the sun is shining, for a few minutes anyway. We're still beaming from the excitement of the shin-dig with the Dawn and Drew party last night. We had a guest from out of town hang out, so we didn't get to chat about our experience in tonight's show.
So, to take advantage of the pockets of sun, and our new wireless mics we used our outdoor, propane gas grill to cook up some
Moist Juicy Middle Burgers
Check out the
slide show of the process.
Listen to the Say Yum podcast!
SayYum-2005-02-21.mp3 [18.8mb (38:48) 64kbps]
This evening we've got a guest, Chris Porter, over for
barbequed burgers stuffed with blue cheese and bacon. We're dodging thunder storms to use the BBQ, but it all works out. Porter tells some stories about the restaurant industry, being robbed, and keeps the banter going in the Say Yum kitchen. We were having so much fun that most of the music is all background tonight.
Checked out the Dawn and Drew party in San Francisco last night. Lots of cool people; listeners, casters, developers, and more. Some of the folks we met:
We met many others that we're missing here too. Everyone was so friendly and fun to chat with. Lots of people coming at all this from different angles. What an exciting time :) Remember to tune in to our next show to hear us chatting on the Dawn and Drew party, and don't forget to Say Yum!